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The money app you’ll love

It’s free, it’s easy, it’s fun - and it’s for everyone

Get started
Get started
two people drawn with a mobile in the middle

No paperwork

Get set up in seconds and get access to a fully digital, financial services app. Enjoy amazing benefits and services, no matter how much you have in your app. No minimum salary, no minimum balance, no registration fees, no bank account needed.

Lightning-fast transfers

Send, request and receive money from other Pyypl users in the blink of an eye with secure money transfers anytime, anywhere. No delays, no waiting.

International payments

Unlock a world of opportunity. Spend at 50+ million outlets across the globe, wherever Visa is accepted. Pay your bills, buy subscriptions, or simply shop at your favourite stores, it’s all within your reach.

Effortless top-ups

Ultra-convenient top-up options to suit your needs. Add funds using debit card, bank account, mobile money or bill payment terminals, depending on your country. Simply reload and relax.

Secure payments

Shop with confidence, we’ve got your back. Simply freeze and unfreeze your card whenever you need.

Friendly reports

Keep track of your spending with a detailed history of your transactions. Generate friendly reports in seconds so you can track where your money goes.

How to get your Pyypl app

Set up and start spending with confidence.

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1. Register

Download the Pyypl app and sign up in a few easy steps

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2. Verify

Confirm your identity with an ID or passport

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3. Top up

Load your app using a wide range of top-up options

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4. Spend

Start using Pyypl for your everyday spending

Unlock a world of benefits
Get your Pyypl app in minutes.