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May 7
5 mins

Top 4 Tips for Safe Online Payments

Safety Measures for Cyber Payments

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While online shopping is a terrific way to find great deals, save money and get your necessities delivered to your doorstep, it’s important to stay alert about some of the risks involved with it and learn how to stay safe online. With the increase in its popularity, more and more people are attempting to con you out of your money or steal your credit card information. Fortunately, you can shop online safely and securely if you follow a few simple rules.

Here are 4 tips to keep in mind when making online payments:

Research the Website

The internet is home to millions of online stores, many of which have more independent sellers. Most of these are authentic, but it takes a bit of research to identify the fake ones.

Before making a payment online, look up the store to check if there are any bad reviews, especially if it’s a website you haven't used before. You can check platforms like TrustPilot to get an idea about the website’s legitimacy.

Don’t make direct payments, unless you know the site well. When you’re on a secure connection, the URL should start with https:// instead of http:// . Keep that in mind before you make any financial transactions on the site.

Use an Advanced Anti-malware Program

A good anti-malware program will shield you from unclassified as well as classified attacks on your system. Make sure the program can detect mutated threats and that its auto-update feature is turned on. Updates usually come with new ways to keep your devices safe from online scammers.  

Some attacks are designed to take advantage of your operating system and web browser security flaws and steal your financial information. Use the System Mechanic security optimizer to find and address such flaws in your OS and web browser.  

Use a Secure Internet Connection

A lot of people use public wi-fi in places such as coffee shops and shopping centres. When connected to these networks, make sure never to make payments online, use internet banking or do anything that requires you to share your personal information. This is because public wi-fi is not secure and whatever you share can easily be accessed by online criminals.  

Always make sure to use a secure connection when making financial transactions, shopping online or sending your information on the internet.  

Use Strong Passwords

Creating complex passwords is another great way to protect your security online. Avoid using obvious words or those that may be easy to guess. Make sure your password length is greater than six digits and use a combination of alphanumeric and special characters to increase its complexity.

Don’t use the same password across different accounts as it puts all of them at risk if one is compromised. Try to change them as frequently as you can, at least once every three months. Avoid sharing your passwords with anyone else.

The Bottom Line

If you fear your card might be at risk, call your bank immediately. At Pyypl, you can simply freeze and unfreeze your virtual Visa any time you like directly from the app, so you’re always in control of your payments. Moreover, we use advanced data encryption technology that prevents your information from being stolen. We also inform you of your account usage via push, email, and text notifications so you’re always in the know.

Learn more about how Pyypl protects your money.

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