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May 7
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5 Online Shopping Tips to Save You Money

Smart Strategies for Frugal Online Shopping

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Shopping online can be a real thrill, but it can also drain your wallet faster than a leaky faucet if you're not careful. And when it comes to online shopping in the UAE, not all sites are created equal. The internet is full of websites that will take your hard-earned money without providing sufficient value. So how can you shop for the best prices and still get great quality products? Here are five online shopping tips to help you save money.

Always Read the Reviews

A good way to ensure that you're buying the right product is to read reviews, both positive and negative. This will help you make an informed decision about whether or not it's worth your money. Make sure you don't just read the reviews with either one or five stars—look for those with three stars or more, as well as any negative ones.

In addition to reading about the quality and price of a product, checking out its reviews can also tell you whether there are extra costs involved with buying from this website versus another site or store. For example, some sites charge extra for shipping while others don't; if you find out that a lot of people say they were charged more than advertised because they bought during certain times of year (such as Eid-ul-Fitr or Christmas), then that might be something worth keeping in mind before making your purchase.

Subscribe to Newsletters - You'll Get Deals Faster

If you're looking for a deal on something specific, sign up for the email newsletter from the store that sells it. You'll be notified of any sales or discounts when they happen and have time to take advantage of them before everyone else does.

Search for Coupon Codes

Coupon codes are often available on the same page as your product description, but you can also search for them by typing "coupon code" into Google or another search engine. Make sure that the offer code is still valid when you use it; this will be indicated at checkout. If not, try using another one.

You can even stack multiple discounts together—just make sure not too many items are involved so that processing times aren't slowed down too much by all the different orders coming through at once.

Use Apps and Extensions

There are a few extensions that can help you search for coupons and compare prices. They offer the same features as many websites, but in a more convenient format.

Price comparison apps like Google Shopper (Android or iOS) will let you search for stores near your location and find the best deals on items like clothes, electronics, and home goods. You can use PriceZombie (Android only) to see if there's an online retailer with a lower price than any physical store in your area; it also lets you check out other people's reviews before making a purchase decision. If neither of these options works for you, try PriceBlink (Android or iOS), which uses image recognition technology to identify price differences between similar products across different retailers' websites so that it only shows results for those with the lowest prices available online at any given time.

Use a Cashback Payment Card

With a cashback card, you can earn a percentage of cash back on every purchase you make. This means that every time you use your card, you’d be earning money back on things you were going to buy anyway. By using a cashback card like Pyypl, you can also keep track of your expenses, earn cashback on your spends, and budget more effectively.


There's nothing better than finding the perfect dress, necklace, or pair of sneakers on sale. But why pay full price when being a little online savvy can save you a pretty penny? The tips above will keep your bank account happy and help you snag the best deals on everything from threads to tech.

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