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Apr 17
5 mins

The Pros and Cons of Freelancing in the UAE

Is It Worth It?

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So you're considering taking the plunge into setting up a freelance business in the UAE, land of both opportunity and complexity? The UAE's rapidly expanding economy and vibrant cities like Dubai have attracted many to try their luck at freelancing. While there are certainly perks to being a freelancer in UAE, it's essential to weigh them against the potential downsides. Here’s a balanced look at the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of Freelancing in the UAE

Flexibility and Autonomy

One of the most obvious benefits of freelancing is the flexibility it offers. Whether it's setting your own hours or choosing your clients, you’re in the driver’s seat. In a country that's all about hustle and innovation, this can be invaluable.

Diverse Opportunities

The UAE is known for its diverse economy. From tech and healthcare to design and tourism, there are freelance jobs in Dubai and other emirates across various sectors. So regardless of your expertise, there’s a good chance you’ll find something that fits your skill set.

Easy-to-Obtain Licenses

Thanks to various free zones and a growing recognition of freelancing as a viable career, obtaining a freelance license in Dubai or other emirates has become relatively straightforward. These licenses allow you to operate legally and often come with added perks like access to coworking spaces. Read our full guide on how to set up your freelance business in the UAE for more details.

No Income Tax  

Freelancers in the UAE often charge premium rates for their services, especially if they have specialised skills that are in high demand. With zero income tax, what you earn is what you keep.

Cons of Freelancing in the UAE

Lack of Job Security

Being a Freelancer UAE based means you don’t have the security of a full-time job. This can be stressful for some, especially in an environment where the cost of living can be high.

Limited Access to Traditional Banking

Opening a conventional bank account in the UAE can be a hurdle for freelancers, as many financial institutions require a minimum salary and a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your employer. These requirements obviously don’t fit well with the freelance model. The good news? Alternatives like Pyypl provide a convenient solution for freelancers who want to manage their finances securely without the restrictions imposed by traditional banks. Pyypl is a non-bank digital app that you can use to send and receive money, get paid for your freelance work, and make payments for subscriptions and contractors – all without the need to open a bank account.

Inconsistency in Work and Income

Freelance jobs in UAE are not always abundant. You might have months where you're swamped with projects, followed by a dry spell. This inconsistency can make financial planning challenging.


The UAE has become a hub for freelancers, which means you're competing with both locals and expats. Setting yourself apart will require extra effort in terms of networking and marketing.

No Traditional Employment Benefits

Freelancers miss out on employment benefits like healthcare, retirement plans, and paid time off. You'll need to factor these costs into your budget and hourly rate.


Freelancing in the UAE offers a host of opportunities, but it’s not for everyone. Consider the lifestyle you want, your financial goals, and your tolerance for uncertainty before taking the leap. If you do decide to go freelance, make sure you're equipped with the necessary tools to navigate this landscape—like perhaps, a freelance license in Dubai to operate legally.

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