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Apr 24
3 mins

How To Take Care of Loved Ones in Kenya From the UAE

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In today’s interconnected world, sending money across borders has become the norm. Nowhere are international money transfers more common than in the UAE, where expats make up the bulk of the workforce. According to the World Bank, outward remittances from the Emirates totalled nearly USD 48 billion in 2021. These remittances find their way to a variety of destinations around the world, including Kenya.

The UAE-Kenya corridor is paved with an array of money transfer options. Where once there was a one-size-fits-all means of sending money dominated by traditional banks, there’s now an exciting abundance of options spurred by technological advancements.

The rise of digital money transfers

The days of tedious paperwork and lengthy waiting times associated with international money transfers lie in the past. Traditional methods like bank transfers and money orders — often characterised by high fees, limited operating hours, and the inconvenience of physically visiting a branch — are no longer the go-to ways for Kenyans (or anyone) looking for convenience. With the rise of digital money transfer platforms, the process has been simplified and made more accessible.

Sending money to Kenya and other countries from the UAE has become a breeze, thanks to trailblazing fintech like Pyypl, who continue to make the process faster, more convenient, and more cost-effective.

Enter the Pyypl universe

Many Kenyans looking for a secure and convenient way to send money to Kenya have found the answer in Pyypl, a digital wallet that gives you access to the financial system without the need for a bank account. Renowned for its fast transfers, Pyypl ensures that your transactions are processed instantly and completed in minutes.

One of the preferred money transfer methods continue to be from Pyypl to M-Pesa.

There’s no overstating the importance of security when sending money, which is why Pyypl uses advanced data encryption to protect your transactions. You can rest assured your money and sensitive information are safe throughout the transfer process, ensuring the funds reach their intended recipients without hiccups.

How to send money to Kenya with Pyypl

Pyypl allows you to send money to a bank account or mobile money wallet in Kenya by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Log in to your Pyypl account.   

Step 2: Click ‘Send’. 

Step 3: Select ‘International Transfer’. 

Step 4: Search for Kenya in the list of countries provided.

Step 5: Enter the amount you want to send.  

Step 6: Choose between bank and mobile wallet.

Step 7: Select the bank or mobile wallet you want to send to.

That's it! Your money will now reach the recipient within minutes.

Frequetly Asked Questions

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