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Apr 8
4 mins

How to Pay for Spotify Premium with Pyypl

Spotify Payments Through Pyypl: A How-To Guide

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Music is the universal language that connects us all, transcending borders and barriers. In the modern era, Spotify is known as one of the leading platforms for music lovers around the world, including in the UAE. The streaming giant offers a vast library of songs, playlists, and podcasts that cater to every possible musical taste.

But for an uninterrupted, ad-free experience, many opt for Spotify Premium. If you're in the UAE and wondering about the ins and outs of Spotify Premium in the UAE, look no further. With the Pyypl virtual Visa card, paying for your Spotify Premium subscription is as smooth as the tunes you'll be grooving to.

Also read: How to Pay for Netflix with Pyypl

What is Spotify Premium?

Spotify Premium is the subscription-based tier of the renowned music streaming platform, Spotify. Unlike its free counterpart, Spotify Premium offers listeners an immersive, ad-free experience, ensuring that your favourite tracks play uninterrupted. Moreover, with Premium, listeners can enjoy music in enhanced audio quality, dive into a vast sea of songs without any skip limits, and even download tracks for offline listening. It's designed for those who want the best from their music streaming, providing a seamless and more personalized listening experience.  

Before we dive into the payment process, let's explore what Spotify Premium brings to the table:

  1. Ad-free Listening: Bid goodbye to those pesky ads. Spotify Premium ensures your playlists or albums aren't interrupted, offering a seamless listening experience.
  1. Offline Access: Travelling or in a zone with patchy internet? No worries. With Premium, you can download your favourite tracks and listen offline.
  1. Unlimited Skips: Not feeling a particular song in a playlist? Skip away without any restrictions.
  1. High-Quality Audio: For audiophiles, Premium offers a higher quality audio stream, ensuring every note is crystal clear.

Spotify Premium Plans Breakdown

Spotify offers various premium plans depending on the needs of its user base. Let's explore each of them:

  1. Individual Plan: Tailored for solo listeners, this plan provides all the Spotify Premium benefits like ad-free listening, song downloads, and higher audio quality. You can stream on one device at a time.
  1. Duo Plan: Perfect for two people residing at the same address, the Duo Plan offers two separate Premium accounts. This ensures both users have their personalised playlists and recommendations. Plus, there's a special Duo Mix playlist that combines the tastes of both users.
  1. Family Plan: A cost-effective choice for families, this plan provides up to six individual Premium accounts for family members living under one roof. It also includes the Spotify Kids app, ensuring a safe listening environment for younger listeners.  
  1. Student Plan: Recognising the budget constraints of students, Spotify offers a discounted Premium plan for eligible university students. This plan retains all the features of the Individual Plan but comes at a reduced price.

Please note that these plans are subject to change. Always check the official Spotify website for the latest and most up to date information.

Each of these plans offers the core benefits of Spotify Premium, like offline listening and no ad interruptions. However, the choice of plan should align with your listening habits, number of users, and, of course, your budget.

How to Upgrade to Spotify Premium

If you're contemplating making the jump, here's a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade to Spotify Premium:

  1. Log in to Your Account: Start by signing into your Spotify account either via the app or the official website.
  1. Navigate to the Premium Page: On the left side of your dashboard (or at the bottom of the app), you'll see an option labelled 'Premium.' Click or tap on it to explore the various subscription options Spotify has to offer.
  1. Choose Your Preferred Plan: Spotify offers various plans as detailed in the above section. Select the one that best suits your needs and budget.
  1. Provide Payment Information: Once you've chosen your plan, you'll be prompted to input your payment details. Add the details of your Pyypl payment card as explained in the next section.
  1. Confirm Your Upgrade: After entering your payment information, double-check that all the details are correct. Once you're sure, proceed to confirm your upgrade. Your account will immediately transition to Spotify Premium, granting you all its amazing benefits.
  1. Enjoy Your Upgraded Listening Experience: With the upgrade complete, dive into your favourite playlists, albums, or discover new tracks, all with the enhanced features of Premium.

How to Pay for Spotify Premium using Pyypl:

Follow the steps below to learn how to upgrade to Spotify premium with Pyypl:

  1. Getting Started with Pyypl: If you haven't already, begin by downloading the Pyypl app on your mobile device. The registration process is straightforward — just follow the in-app instructions. With a working phone number, valid identification, and proof of address, you're set to venture into the world of easy payments.
  1. Top-up Your Pyypl Account: There are multiple ways to top up your Pyypl app. Tap the 'top up' button on the app's home screen to view a list of methods. You can use a debit card, mobile wallet top-up options, or other available methods to add funds.
  1. Request Your Virtual Visa ard: Once your account has funds, tap + new card on the home screen. A virtual Visa card will be instantly assigned to your Pyypl account. There's no need for activation — it's ready to roll.
  1. Accessing Your Card Details: To view your card details, tap 'cards' on the app's home screen, slide left to the available card, and hit 'card details'. Here, you can either reveal your card information or directly copy the card details.
  1. Paying for Spotify Premium: Now, head over to the Spotify website or app. Select the Premium subscription option and, when prompted for payment details, input the details of your Pyypl virtual Visa ard. Complete the transaction, and voila! You're all set to enjoy Spotify Premium in the UAE.

Wrapping Up

Music holds a special place in our lives, be it as a backdrop for our daily routines or a salve for our souls. With platforms like Spotify offering an immense library and Pyypl simplifying the subscription management process, accessing your favourite tracks has never been easier. Whether you're a pop fanatic, a jazz enthusiast, or a classical connoisseur, unlock the best of Spotify Premium in the UAE with Pyypl.

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